Hello everyone!
Today was a dreary overcast day with sleet that showed up late this afternoon. So, I spent part of today working in my sewing room finishing up this freebie from Rosewood Manor that is available for download as part of the 2010 ornament issue at the social part of The Stitchers' Village.
Rosewood Manor Pine Snowflake Ornament ©Karen Kluba 2010
28ct Antique White LuganaDMC Threads
Mill Hill Beads
Stitch Count: 58W x 58H, 2 over 2
In the winter of 2010 through the spring of 2011, we had a problem with water seepage in our finished basement caused by our drain pipes separating. Anyhow, I was lucky enough to catch the problem when it began, but we couldn't repair it until late spring of last year. I quickly packed up all my stitchery projects and supplies in various bags, boxes and whatever else was handy, moving them all out of harms way. I am slowly getting re-organized and coming across some more projects that have to be finished, and some that were almost finished. It looks like I'll be spending more time in my sewing room.
Have a wonderful day!