Saturday, October 29, 2016

October update

Hello everyone,
I didn't get to do a lot of stitching this month - this is one of the most difficult posts for me to write- below you'll see why.

One project I did get to stitch was this lovely design.

Love Dogs part of the Love bits Series
Fabric: 28ct Antique White Jobelan
Threads: DMC
Stitch Count 31 x 41, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch
Embellished with charm that was included

And I almost finished this  Silver Needle Little Help From Our Friends Stitching Circle Kit (2016) that I started at one of DH's appointments.

Fraktur Friends © 2016 Plum Street Samplers
Original designs by Paulette Stewart
Fabric:32ct WDW Beige Linen
Threads: CC,WDW, GAST
Stitch Count: 95 x 74, 2 over 2
Just need to finish the border and add the gold on the flowers


Our first snow was a little early this month - October 22nd. We still haven't gotten our driveway markers set or all of our leaves cleaned up. Then we got about another 4" of heavy wet snow on Thursday - lost power at 1 am yesterday for 16 hours.  (The worst thing is so much to do - but no power means a cool house and not much can be done).

Now for the difficult part...Our beloved Bucky had some trouble with the stairs last Friday night (October 21st) - He decided that he did not want to go down them for his final nightly walk - since we were having a regular scheduled vet visit the next day, we just thought it was a minor problem that could be handled with medication - perhaps his arthritis or a continuing problem with his vision.

His blood work showed that there was improvement in his liver and his thyroid was slightly elevated ... he was down to 131#... all in all ...not much to worry about. We mentioned some weakness in his back legs - Dr. noticed - but was unable to determine if it was a skeletal issue, especially since he was walking fine for the Dr., so arthritis meds were slightly increased, and we went home with snow flurries in the air.  It turns out that later Saturday night he lost all strength in his hind quarters.

We kept him as comfortable as possible until early Monday morning when we could return to our vet. (this picture was taken on October 6th).

R.I.P. Dear Sweet Bucky
born 2002
entered our lives on a cold and snowy December 16th, 2013
passed  on 10/24/2016

You filled our lives with love and laughter during the 34 months you spent with us.

From that cold morning when you arrived with a multitude of  health issues that you overcame: demodex mites, hookworms, tapeworms, internal bleeding, lyme disease, thyroid imbalance, and a liver issue.

Oh, how you loved the snow...You'd run out the front door picking up speed and slide into the fresh snow.


...and you had the perfect spot under the dining room table to keep an eye on everything going on in the kitchen... especially when the oven was on and your favorite - chicken was cooking.

It was so funny to see you stretch out you paw to grab a dog bone when it was tossed just out of reach... or the way you tilted your head when asked "who's hungry? "


You loved being outside - except when it was rainy.

The jingle of your leash meant that it was time to go for a ride and you always tried to beat your sister to the car door.


And you were always so peaceful napping on yous blankets - or sleeping along side our bed.


We miss you - the house seems so quiet without you here.

Samantha is getting lots of extra TLC. She has even picked up Bucky's trick of chuffing anytime I sit in my stitching chair.

Until next time,
Have a wonderful day!
Lisa M.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

September - October update

Hello Everyone,
This month I have some more stitching smalls to share from the last few months.

My brother's visit was very nice - He stayed for 9 days - Left the day after Labor Day. Now he is on his way to his new home in the Southwest.
I'm a little late in this posting - My Dad had a health issue that landed him in the hospital for almost a week. Lots of tests later they determined that his renal artery was narrowed causing the high blood pressure event... Dr. changed some of his medications - also determined that his balance was off due to an inner ear issue - saw the rehab specialist - now waiting for his blood pressure to stabilize before any more progress can be made for his balance problem caused by an inner ear issue.

Dad was released just in time to celebrate as this week is my Mom & Dad's 54th wedding anniversary. Since they can't go out - I made them a special dinner. And last week DH & I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary.

Fall weather came about mid-month September.  Pine cones and acorns are scattered among the falling leaves.The apples have continued to fall since the end of last month ....
The apple trees (wild and planted ) and crab apple trees are loaded this year.

which means more of these visitors.....


So here are the finishes mentioned in my last post that I wanted to share:

This lovely has been kitted up for awhile... I wanted to try out the GAST wool threads and this seemed the perfect project. I left off the year and did not put in my initials.
Bonnie Rose © Louise Henderson (Cherished Stitches) 2014
Fabric: 36ct.Lakeside Linens  Vintage Light Examplar
Threads: Gentle Art Wool
Stitch Count: 51 x 51, 1 over 2

Found this freebie on the internet
Christmas Hearts by Just Nan
Fabric: 28ct raw linen
Threads: DMC + Kreinik Balger
Mill Hill Petite Beads
Stitch Count: 43 x43, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch, Satin Stitch, Rhodes Heart, Beading


I received this pattern when my LNS was closing
Darling Buds Designed by Carol Tinson ©2006
Fabric: 28ct cream linen
Threads: DMC
Mill Hill Petite Beads
Stitch Count: 47 x43, 2 over 2
Cross, Stitch, Backstitch, Smyrna Stitch, Eyelet Stitch


September Leaves ©2008 Handblessings
Fabric: 14ct antique brown perforated paper
Threads: DMC (called for #8 pearl, but I chose to use 4 strands of regular floss)
Stitch Count: 23 x 23, 4 over 1
Cross Stitch
I think this would make a very nice scissor fob if I stitch in on black... hmmmm.....


Still working on patriotic projects.. I chose to split this design and stitched the parts separately to make 2 bookmarks
I love USA © Madame Chantilly
Fabric: 28ct glass blue monoco
Threads: DMC
Stitch Count (each 1/2): 31 x 79, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch, Back Stitch


Stash this month: I ordered one of the Victoria Sampler Hearts of America charts - I'm hoping to make each of the 3 states my Brother has lived in for his Christmas Ornaments this year. This month's mail also brought my kit from Silver Needle which is part of the Circle of Friends... and my Just Cross Stitch Ornaments magazine that is part of my subscription. So many choices... what to stitch next?

Bucky and Samantha have a vet visit and the end of this month - just to check on their liver and thyroid levels...DH also has a few scattered health appointments throughout the month.

Hopefully I'll be back at the end of this month with more to share. I'll leave you with these lovely fall colors.


Until Next time-
Have a wonderful day!
Lisa M.