It's time for my monthly check in for Stitching from Stash 2015-A hosted by Mel at Epic Stitching.
Month: February 2015
Budget Amount: $25.00
Spent: $0.00
Earned: $4.00 (Charland Heart Fob) + $4.00 (Bent creek Flair Sparkle)+$ 4.00 (Bent Creek All you Need is Love)+ $4.00 (JCS 2000 Ursula Michael's Christmas Quilt) +$8.00 (Midsummer Night Designs Lovebird)+$0.00 (VS Woodland Birdies - Owl) = $24.00
Carry forward: $49.00 + $35.00 from last month = $84.00
After my last post, I went through some of my stash and pulled a bunch of February / love themed charts. Wow! I have so many - there is no way that I could stitch them all in one month (LOL).
But first I finished up this lovely snowman. I am planning to finish it as a tin topper. I'll add the JABCO snowflake button when I finish it.
Flair Sparkle @2011 Bent Creek, Inc.
Fabric: 16ct dirty Aida
Threads: WDW, GAST
Stitch Count:32 x 42, 2 over 1
Cross Stitch and Backstitch
Then I found this lovely scissor fob chart that was in my freebie folder. I had gotten it with an online order quite some time ago. I decided to leave off the charm as I liked the fob just as it was. Front:
Heart Scissor Fob © 2001 Charland Designs Inc.
Fabric: I didn't have the banding so I substituted 30ct Natural (DMC 3782)
Threads: DMC, DMC perle8, GAST
Stitch Count: 46 x 21, 2 over 2 and 1 over 2
Cross Stitch and Satin Stitch
I made the cording using DMC 304 and 321 since I didn't have a long enough length of uncut GAST
and back...

Next is this Bent Creek pattern from my freebie binder
All you Need is Love © Bent Creek (I couldn't find the year on it)
Fabric: 32ct Desert Sand (DMC 422)
Threads: WDW
Stitch Count: 62 x 52, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch
I left off the 9 JABCO purple poindexter buttons as I can't seem to find them. I'm still thinking about how I want to finish this one.
Then I picked up my Just Cross Stitch Ornaments 2000 and decided that this would make a lovely tri-fold needle wallet. Front
Christmas Quilt 2000 © Ursula Michaels Designs
Fabric: 28ct White evenweave
Threads: Kreinik#4
Stitch Count: 40 x 40, 1 over 2
Cross Stitch, backstitch
and inside...
I only had a small amount of the pine boughs and the buttons to complete this one. My small cut of fabric is just the right size to stitch up the remaining 2 from this booklet before I "finish" them in tart tins.
Owl- Woodland Birdies Christmas Tartlets #3 design by Cathy Jean for the Victoria Sampler © 2013
Fabric:28ct summer khaki
Threads: GAST, WDW, I substituted DMC for the colors I couldn't find right away, and I also substituted Miyuki delica beads for the SJ beads
Embellished with 4mm red buttons
Stitch Count: 32 x 33, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch, Back Stitch, Long Stitch

Lastly, I found this lovely freebie on the internet here.
Lovebird © 2008 Midsummer Night Designs
Fabric: 32ct Country Mocha
Threads: DMC
Stitch Count: 59 x 69, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch
I also put a few more stitching in the M Designs Snowman Needle roll - just not enough for a picture.
So now it's time to go through my stash to see what I'll stitch next month. Will it be a March theme? or maybe I'll finish some more of the February / love designs... or perhaps grab one of my bigger projects...Hmmm. we'll just have to see.. Until next time -
Have a wonderful day!
Lisa M.