Hello everyone,
It's time for my monthly update for my stitch from stash hosted by Mel at Epic Stitching.
Things didn’t go exactly as planned this month.
Things didn’t go exactly as planned this month.
My kitted up smalls are still in their bag but DH hasn’t
started outpatient therapy yet. An infection showed up around his incision when his staples were removed at the end of October. He is scheduled
for another surgery tomorrow. Hopefully it's just surface drainage - otherwise he will have to have a spacer put in and no hip for 6-8 weeks.
On Halloween, my Dad had to go to the hospital with another heart attack- part of his quadruple bypass from 17 years ago collapsed. Dr. had to insert a stent and he is now home and recovering - just limited driving as he is on a blood thinner.
So instead of the smalls, I worked on:
On Halloween, my Dad had to go to the hospital with another heart attack- part of his quadruple bypass from 17 years ago collapsed. Dr. had to insert a stent and he is now home and recovering - just limited driving as he is on a blood thinner.
So instead of the smalls, I worked on:
HAED 2012 SAL SK Forbidden Doorway Artwork by Meredith
Dillman Chart Design by Michele Sayetta
Last at: 11850 stitches on February 12, 2013
Last at: 11850 stitches on February 12, 2013
28ct Picture This Plus opal. Moonglow
DMC & Kreinik #4
1 over 1, full cross
Now at 14535 stitches completed. Just a little over one more page to go.
Last month Mel offered us a bonus - we were able to spend an extra $50.00 and it would not count in our monthly budgeted amount - so I indulged and ordered some stash.
I ordered Heartstring Samplings- Sweet Land of Liberty, Just Nan - ginger holly pin, Just Nan - gingerbread angel mouse, Just Nan - gingerbread garden cube, Lone Elm - Halloween Resurrection, and Foxwood Saltbox Sleds, a hornbook and some trims. With the $50.00 discount that makes the amount of spending $63.99-50.00 = $13.99 against my monthly budget.Until next time...
Have a wonderful day!
Lisa M.