It's time to share what I've been up to this week. Not much Maynia Stitching.
I spent some of the time this week sewing my peek a boo pouches.
I've also been spending my nights organizing my magazines and patterns. Then I would search my stash for fabric to use with them and they would be my focus the next day instead of working on the planned patterns that I had partially kitted up (Fabric and charts.. just no threads).
#8 Finished!
Bee Well © 2020 The Blackberry Rabbit freebie available here
Fabric: Mystery scrap of R&R
Threads: DMC
Stitch Count: 54 x 52, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch, Back stitch
Sweet is The Journey ©2007 My Big Toe Designs - *Modified Spring Colorway
Fabric: 28ct ivory evenweave
Threads: WDW...I only had 1 of the called for weeks for the spring colorway...I have all the colors for Autumn..but since it's spring......I dug through my DMC..pulled the 62 and 3363 and then went back through my overdyes to come up with Sophie's Pink and Dried Sage.
Stitch Count: 125 x 5, 2 over 1
Cross Stitch
Maynia summary...
It wasn't bad for my first time.. 10 new starts... 4 finished, and a little bit of progress on a few wips.
I had a few that I couldn't start ...
My fabric order from April 3rd still hasn't shipped - so Sewn in Frienship by Heartstring Samplery & Plum Street Samplers as well as where Liberty Dwells by Hands on Design did not get a start. Also, waiting on a few threads for The Blue Flower - Alpaca Farm.
I also ordered (mid-April) a twin peaks primitive chart in the I'll be home series June (With the dogs) - I was planning to change the month to August for our adoption of Macey.
I had ordered a small piece of fabric picked out for Lynn Graebner Designs Syrupin' - floss worked with it.. but I forgot to get the larger size that I needed.
I remembered why I hate using the spring hoops.. need to find all my Q-snaps for next year.
I also had a few full coverage designs but the charts are in color.. need to do them when my eyes aren't so watery from the high pollen counts.
My baseball pattern from cross stitch wonders that I showed last week arrive.. now waiting for the special cut of fabric for it.
We're still having a hornet issue... not sure why - it seems like warm temps and end of day have been bringing them to our enclosed porch. Door is open longer when taking Macey out and back in again.. so they might be coming in behind us.But I'm pretty sure it's the heat and the ground was very dry until the rain on Friday.
Tuesday I went to pick up my replacement key fob for my 12 year old Jeep. Very hot week.. temps in the 80's. Doesn't seem real that we had snow earlier this month.
My dentist did call.. my appointment was cancelled as his office is not yet re-opened.
I did get my May birthday gifts mailed out. Hopefully they'll get there quickly so I can share them next week.
Our lilacs have opened

Our Mountain ash berries are just starting to show up.. looks like this year there won't be a lot of berries... (Every other year is the bumper crop)
And our apple trees are in full bloom.

The Azaleas have just started to open.. Hopefully I'll have a pic next week.
Our county has just started to reopen (phase 2). That means that June will start to be a busy month with Dr. visits for Mom & Dad .. and other appointments for us.
Macey's dental (2 teeth pulled and cleaning) will be in July as that was the earliest date the vet had available
Until next time,
Have a wonderful day!
Lisa M.
Piękny haft, ja też mam ochotę na ten bezpłatny wzór.Pozdrawiam z Polski.