It's time to share what I've been up to this week.
#7 Finished! (week of 5/24)
This was from a freebie that I received with an order
Thankful Chalk© 2015 by Cathy Habermann of Hands On Design
Fabric: 32ct Wichelt Chalkboard Black
Threads: GAST
Stitch Count:71 x 26, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch
I thought I was on the way to another finish... (I wanted the Q-snap for another project) ...I stitched the rest of the top border.. added in the first word. Hmmm... Something looks a bit off...Oh No! I miscounted between the second and third flower on the top.. So rip...out the word sweet and everything on the left of the third top flower... over 1 on 28ct...ugh!!
By Thursday I re-stitched the rest of the top border and the left side again...just about to start the words... re-stitched border is off by a stitch.. (Different one this time the vine) looks wavy. So back to ripping out.. I really shouldn't stitch when my eyes are tired... Macey was barking at 3am... I also heard neighbor's dog barking.. so something must have been on the property... I am feeling the lack of sleep today... Once I've ripped out the stitches for a second time, I think this will go in a time out.
So here is where it stands now...
Sweet is The Journey ©2007 My Big Toe Designs - *Modified Spring Colorway
Fabric: 28ct ivory evenweave
Threads: WDW...I only had 1 of the called for weeks for the spring colorway...I have all the colors for Autumn..but since it's spring......I dug through my DMC..pulled the 62 and 3363 and then went back through my overdyes to come up with Sophie's Pink and Dried Sage.
Stitch Count: 125 x 5, 2 over 1
Cross Stitch

I lost my bookmark when I went to to car dealer last week. Hopefully whoever found it will get good use from it. I found my pattern and planned to re-stitch it as it was one of my favorites. I looked through my camera cards and I never found a picture of it fully finished... Saw several others that I finished that I don't have pictures of...hmmm...guess that another project to get done.
Maynia New start #9 and Finished! (even after Mr. frog returned)

Alphabet Dogs - Puppy © 2014 JBW Designs
Fabric:Scrap of 32ct white-ish evenweave
Threads: WDW
Stitch Count: 33 x 43, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch
I think I used up my charms... so I might have to go on ETSY and look for another set to use to finish this one. I know I still have the paw print fabric and ribbon.
Maynia New start #10 - I've had this one kitted up for so long...
This is the top vine
America Chart No. One © 2003 Little House Needleworkss
Fabric: 32ct Silkweaver Classics Limited Edition Color
Threads: DMC
Stitch Count: 80 x 108, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch, back stitch
These lovely handmade pins from an Etsy shop
I plan to use them for finishing of Alpaca Farm (Blue Flower Designs) still waiting since 4/22 for my order from Beach Cottage Stitchers for the finishing supplies for this one.

Then another Etsy order arrived on Friday...

The 36ct WDW Confederate Gray (613)...(So different in color from my older Zweigart Confederate Grey close to DMC 928), A few WDW Threads..and a Lady dot create chenille trim in musket.
Yesterday I went shopping to pick up some groceries for Mom.. stopped in at Walmart and saw this kit...just couldn't resist
Janlynn kit - God bless America

This week ordered a special chart from one shop and the special fabric from another site for a gift for DH. He is missing his sports.. so I found this pattern from cross stitch wonders.. and thought that would make a lovely birthday/anniversary gift.
Look who came to visit (oriel)... and yes that the hummingbird feeder she landed on.
And we had another visitor this week...
And later...

Now that the daffodils have finished blooming, the bees have been busy with our crabapple trees.
Speaking of bees, we had temps in the 80's yesterday and had 4 large yellowjackets on our closed in porch... they must have gotten in while unloading groceries or coming in with Macey.

DH's reclined power switch stopped working this am... called about servicing it and was told that they can't come inside until HOPEFULLY around June 1st.. and then they'll call to schedule a time... At least it is almost fully down when it happened.. but it's going to be a long couple of weeks waiting for that call and then the part.
Until next time,
Have a wonderful day!
Lisa M.
I like your Thankful! I have the freebie and planned on stitching it last year but never got to it. Nice Maynia starts!