It's time to share what I've been up to this week.
This week I picked up 4 projects. I took a break from the 40ct silk gauze ChrisMoose berry - but will be back to it soon. I was just on my way outside to do some more spring cleanup but the rain came in earlier than expected.
I guess that means today will be some more stitching or sewing.
Completed another 8 blocks of color on
Cross My Heart Inc.CSB-73 © 1992 Between the Pages Designs by Nancy Klipfel
Stained Glass Window
Fabric: 18ct cream aida
Threads: DMC
Stitch Count: 28 x 98, 2 over 1
Cross stitch, back stitch, Fractional Stitches

And next some progress on
Floral Cross © 2003 Jeanette Crews Designs No. 1251 Decorative Crosses by Ursula Michaels
Fabric: 14ct Navy Aida
Threads:DMC, Kreinik #4
Substituted: #102 kreinik for the 221, also blended 336 with 340 1 strand each, and 931 for 930.
Stitch Count: 80 x 80, 2over 1 and 3 over 1 in a few places
Cross Stitch, Back Stitch, fractional stitches, blended threads

After Adding another block of 100 stitches to
HAED Mini Quiet Reflection © 2015 Design by Michele Sayetta Artwork by Lisa Parker
Fabric: 25ct Zweigart Stormy Night
Threads: DMC (89 colors)
Stitch Count: 262 x 308, 2 over 1, full cross
Now 700 stitches completed of the 80696 complete
This block only had 2 shades of blue

Last for this week....
Candamar Designs Kit Thomas Kincaid Stonehearth Hutch 50995 © 1999
© 1997 Thomas Kincaid, Media Arts Group
Fabric: 14ct white aida
Threads: cotton floss, blending filament, metallic
Stitch count:139x120, 2 over 1
Cross stitch, back stitch, french knots, half cross stitch, straight stitch, smyrna

Nothing new this week.
Working on making a face covering (mask) with ties - I have a latex allergy so no elastic bands. Tried making a different one on Friday. Like my first version better although both of them seem too close to my eyes. Will re-adjust pattern and try again this weekend. County just North of us now requires face covering whenever out in it's just a matter of time and since I do the shopping for Mom &Dad and have prescriptions to pick up, I'm trying to get prepared.
Macey has been enjoying lots of extra walks on the property and all the new smells that come with the snow melt and new ground that has opened up for walking. I even saw just a hint of the hyacinth bulbs peeking through. Time to get the rake out to clear away the rest of the snow and leaves.
Until next time,
Have a wonderful day!
Lisa M.
You really spread out your stitching that past week and everything looks great. Hope you and yours stay safe.