It's time to share what I've been up to lately.
Fall has arrived.. we've had several mornings with a white field.. Frost has settled in and made the mountain ash berries quite potent for the birds. Leaves have been falling... and crisp mornings are the norm.
Stitching & Macey:
Not much on the stitching front... Macey has been taking up a lot of our time. We took her back to the vest last month for her 2nd lyme shot... she had to also be treated for an ear infection .. and the Dr. also put her on a round of antibiotics as her gum where her 2 teeth are broken was not a good color.
She really enjoys her new food and she's been an overall delight. We are still working on her leash training...and her stay command. She loves to play fetch but doesn't like giving up her toy upon return. She can lift her paw to shake and lie down.. just not on command- only when she wants to. But she is very good for waiting for her food and when hooking up her leash.
She helps make the bed... well this is her version of helping...
She also got a new bandana as hunting season is upon us and we didn't want her mistaken for a small black bear.
When our leaves first started to fall, she had to sniff each one on the driveway to be sure they were okay to be there.
So only a little bit of stitching to share...
Spooktacular Bookmark © Dinky-Dyes Designs 2009 purchased from TSV
Fabric: 28ct peach cameo
Threads: Dinky Dyes Silk Threads
Stitch Count: 27x71, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch, Backstitch
And not quite finished yet.. still have the border and the light gray for the snowman
Handblessings Winter Memories Silhouette Snowman Makes A Friend ©2019 by Eileen Gurak
Fabric: 40ct white Newcastle (instead of 14ct white)
Threads: DMC ** Substituted some shades of gray for the dog's shadow(413), snowman's shadow (3799 and 413)and the close pine tree(3799) as I couldn't use 2 strands on the 40ct fabric.
Stitch Count: 88 x 87, 1 over 1.
Left off the snowflake charm as it will be too big for this size fabric.
Cross Stitch, 1/2 cross stitch
I bought some older charts from a fellow stitcher..and forgot to take pics before putting them away.
Sweetheart Tree:Ghosts, Goblins and Other Stuff
The Drawn Thread: Woodland Walk and North Country Sampler
The Cricket Collection: Kissing Mitten
Douglas Designs: Dicken's Christmas Village II and III
M Designs: Five Roses Needle Roll and Home Sweet Home Needleroll
Lone Deer-Sonagolese Designs: Partners
Handblessings: Baseball Player Silhouette
The Heritage Series: State Bird & Flower Stamps Books 1,2,3, and 4
Brittercup Designs: Britties Puppies and Britty Puppies II
Linda Myers Designs Season Quilts Winter spring Summer and Fall and Amish Quilt Show
I also ordered the October Stitch n stuff box from Everything Cross stitch...Cut haunted house designs...It came in today with the Autumn greetings from Romy's creations and a baseball silhouette from Stitchnmomma.
I'm trying something new beginning tomorrow... I signed up for the Witchy Stitchy Challenge 2019..

Hopefully this won't be a fail.. I'll try to post at month's end to show how it worked out.
Mom had a follow up on her skin cancer... Went back to the dermatologist for a questionable site.. only to find that there were 4 more per-cancerous growths to be treated... She had to return last week as there was a reaction to the the cream that she had to apply to the spot while they were healing.
Dad went to eye Dr. earlier this week.. He had no noticeable difference so he is still borderline for the cataract surgery.. probably will be next spring/early summer.
Until next time,
Have a wonderful day!
Lisa M.
Sending good thoughts for your mom, father, and Macey on their various ailments:) Your finish and near finish look great. Brr, I would not be ready for a heavy frost just yet!