It's time to share what I've been up to this month.
I spent most of the month on this... . ...Another Page finished... just a few more blocks on page 2 and some of page 4 before it's done.
2013BB SAL QS Mystic Garden (It is a cropped version of Peacock Garden.)
Design by Michele Sayetta Artwork by Ciro Marchetti
28ct Picture this Plus Valor
DMC & Kreinik#4
Stitch Count: 139 x 138, 1 over 1 full cross
March 1, 2019: 15910 stitches completed now at 17,260 stitches completed
28ct Picture this Plus Valor
DMC & Kreinik#4
Stitch Count: 139 x 138, 1 over 1 full cross
March 1, 2019: 15910 stitches completed now at 17,260 stitches completed
I also picked up this little kit from NMI

Good Luck Kit Item #4524 © Needlemagic, Inc
Fabric: 18ct Aida
Threads: floss from kit
Stitch Count: 34 x 42, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch, Back Stitch
Finally Finished!
Since my beads arrive late February, I was finally able to finish this from January.
Valentine Sentiments: Pick Me © Frony Ritter Designs published in Just Cross Stitch February 2017
Fabric: 14ct white perforated paper
Threads: DMC
Beads: Mill Hill
Stitch count: 42 x 40, 2over 1
Cross Stitch, Backstitch, Straight Stitch, Beads
This was sitting in my finishing basket since July 2017 - I had everything packaged up - but just never seemed to get to it.. So glad it's finally done.

Blue Santa Drop Ornament © Design by Lee Fisher of Stitchyfish Designs from the August 2017 issue of Just Cross Stitch
Fabric: 14ct Starlite Silver Aida
Stitch Count:82 x 21, 2 over 1
Cross Stitch, Straight Stitch

With no LNS, I've only had our poor dial-up internet to see everything from Nashville market. I did order this cookbook that contains some lovely small charts.. but have still been deciding what I want to order.. maybe next month I'll have something else to share.
What I've read:
I finished reading Murder Most Howl by Krista Davis
Then Started Death, Taxes and a French Manicure by Diane Kelly
April will be a busy month and probably not much time at home as Mom & Dad medical appointments begin again.

Until next time,
Have a wonderful day!
Lisa M.
Mystic Garden is coming right along; it has to be a good feeling to get that far! The Good Luck kit is sure cute. It's always nice to final finish ornaments too. I like recipe books so the one you are ordering looks good, especially if it has some small patterns in it. Hope Spring comes to your area soon:)