Hello everyone,
I'll start with the stitching and beading and then fill you in our very busy month.
I just had to use one of the painter threads that I ordered - so beautiful- and lovely to work with.
Lucky Me © Frony Ritter of Frony Ritter Designs published in the April 2018 issue of Just Cross Stitch
Fabric: 28ct White Evenweave
Threads: DMC, Painters Thread Metallic Braid #4 from Threadnuts
Stitch Count: 18 x 29, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch, Back Stitch
Next up is this St. Patrick's Day Mini Cat Freebie © Lynn B. happiness is cross stitching here
Fabric: 28ct White evenweave
Threads: DMC
Stitch Count: 29 x 50, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch, Back Stitch
Still have to iron this one... You can see I just removed the hoop to take the pic.
Then in the mood for something a little more spring - summery I chose:
Holiday Stamps Backyard Bird Three Cent© 2017 Handblessings Eileen Gurak Designs
Fabric: I substituted 28ct Silkweaver Bluebell Cashel Linen for the Lavender Mist perforated paper
Threads: DMC
Stitch Count: 29 x 31, 2 over 2 and 1 over 1
Cross Stitch, Half Cross, Straight Stitch
Oops... I didn't pay attention to the pattern and stitched this design over 2 and over 1 as I wanted to have a matching fob.. the inner border should have been a half cross stitch.. but I didn't realize it until I was doing the outer border so I just left it that way.
This is the over1 that will be a fob
Now for my beading project:
Eiffel Tower Paris © Lisa Strassheim (SmartArtsSupply) from her etsy store here
Miyuki delicas
gray silimide
36 rows, 99 columns
even peyote
Since I don't wear jewelry, this cuff bracelet will be dipped in acrylic and finished as a bookmark for my niece who starts college in the fall. She visited France and Italy this past spring - part of a school trip.
April showers bring May flowers... but did someone forget to mention it should be rain showers... NOT snow? You guessed it! April 30th we saw snow - covering the few crocus that had bloomed.
Severe thunderstorms rocked on the 4th with severe winds that caused several mature trees to snap like toothpicks.
All told we had one snap about 12' from the ground, another one got tangled in a cluster of pines so we wound up removing 6 mature trees.
Luckily no one was hurt.. power came back earlier than expected, and the only damage was to the trees.
You can see this 40+ foot pine laying on the ground.
Our Hummingbirds returned on the 5th to cooler temps and very few flowers. Spring has finally arrived and with it - several beautiful shades of green. Swimming pool is now ready for warmer weather to help heat the very cold water. Tree damage is cleaned up and the dreaded black flies have returned. The frogs have been serenading us - peeping away during the nights. Our pair of mallards showed up by the pond for a few days earlier this month.
May 8th .. another frost. May 9th - hyacinths and daffodils are just beginning to open up.
This past week: The apple and crab apple trees have been blooming. Sometimes I wish the trees could look like this all year.
Saw a garden snake while walking Sam... she's more afraid of the frogs.
Looks like it will be a good year for apples. Look at all these blossoms!
The lilacs have opened and we have had several yellow butterflies busily flitting around. Our dragonflies have also returned - hope that helps keep down some of the black flies.
Today - The azaleas have just started to open up.. what few buds the deer have left on the lower part of the bush...but at least the upper portion has several buds just waiting to blossom. Aren't these such a nice shade of orange?
We also had to replace our television. Watched a movie - took Sam out ...came in and the TV was black.. sound but no picture...and it was only 5 years old. Took awhile to find out why the new TV wouldn't work when blu-ray was off... forgot to change a setting.

Samantha went to the vet - she had the cyst on her neck drained again.. and a nail clip... Dr. noticed a problem in her paws... she must have stepped on a thorn or dried stalk leftover in the garden so she's been on an antibiotic(Keflex) for the past 10 days.. only 20 more days to go... UGH.. (Sam hates these - 2 pills 2x daily).
Until next time,
Have a wonderful day,
Lisa M.
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