May was a busy month of appointments.
We opened our pool on the first week of May.
May 7th & 8th we had snow flurries and light snow showers - only a dusting...but still not the greatest spring weather. But the snow didn't keep our hummingbirds from showing up.. first sighting was May12th. All the summer birds have been returning.
It was nice to see this bluebird stop by.
Summer has arrived...The lilacs and apples have blossomed and the peonies have buds. The azaleas are flowering now and Mom's peach tree had it's first blossoms.
I had to have my Jeep serviced, so I dug out this kit while I was waiting... It made a cute little bookmark. You can see the yellow backing fabric I used.
NMI kit - Busy Bees Item 3829 Sleepy Bear© NeedleMagic, Inc.
14ct Ivory Aida
Single strand yard
Stitch Count: 28x 35, one over 1
Cross stitch, Back stitch
Next project I dug out was Hearts of America 3: Florida © 2002 Original design by Thea Dueck for the Victoria Sampler (HA#27)
Fabric:25ct antique white Luguna
Threads:DMC, Kreinik#4
Stitch Count:42 x 48, 2 over 1
Cross Stitch, Backstitch, Double Running Stitch, Wrapped Herringbone Stitch, Elongated Scotch Stitch
Then since my stash arrived, I had enough thread to finish Wee Spring © 1996 Heart in Hand but my HAED project called to me... and it is now almost 1/2 finished!
2013BB SAL QS Mystic Garden (It is a cropped version of Peacock Garden.)
Design by Michele Sayetta Artwork by Ciro Marchetti
28ct Picture this Plus Valor
DMC & Kreinik#4
Stitch Count: 139 x 138, 1 over 1 full cross
January 2017 I had 8430 stitches completed. Now at 9490 stitches complete.
That's about it for my stitching last month because once I was finishing up the NMI kit, I realized that I had several other smalls that needed to be finished... so I spent some time in my sewing room and finished a few other projects.
New Stash : Just Nan -Summer in a Mouse House design. I also used up my gift cards and splurged on some of these lovely designs.
Frony Ritter: Celebrations Flags: Freedom
Little House Designs:Early Americans Betsy Ross & John Hancock
Sue Hillis Designs: Play Baseball
Blackbird Designs: Lady Liberty and Hats off to uncle sam
Hinzeit: Love America, Flag Freedom
Designs by Lisa:If you have a Lab
Frony Ritter: Celebrations Flags: Snowman, Pot of Gold
Little House Designs: Hometown Holiday The Bookstore
Victoria Sampler's: Hearts of America 2 and 4
Hinzeit: Love 2 Nurse
These are for an idea I have for my brother who is a traveling nurse
Dad is doing better.. He is on a more frequent schedule with some of his doctors... but the new stronger compression stockings have helped.He also had his eyes checked (cataract still there but not time for surgery), hearing aids adjusted after ears checked, various blood tests due to the increased dosage of lasix, 2 visits with the vascular doctor, and a visit with his urologist.
Mom had her annual with primary and blood tests.
DH had a few dental visits...and he just had his sleep study - still waiting on the results to see if they think he has sleep apnea.
Samantha is enjoying the new smells and sounds that come with the change is weather.
Memorial Day weekend was rather damp.. and for the most part rainy. That means that the black flies and other insects have returned. Along with them, the peepers have been singing- and we found a small snapper turtle sunning itself by the pond yesterday. It looks like we might also have a groundhog in the field along with some turkeys. And one evening when I was taking Samantha out, we had a small snake warming itself on the driveway.
Until next time -

I'll leave you with this lovely scenic,
Have a wonderful day!
Lisa M.
Oh, you're stitching on PTP Valor! One of my favorite fabric colors ever! Beautiful job!