Last month I mentioned taking part in a Christmas exchange. This was an exchange offered on the 123 stitch message board. Mail out date was for it to arrive by the 1st of November.
I can now share with you this lovely exchange.For my partner, A.D. ,I chose to stitch:
A Merry Little House © Thea Dueck of the Victoria Sampler published in the 2008 Special Christmas Issue of Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornaments (Front views)
Fabric:32ct Lemon Zest by silkweaver and 32 ct Black
Threads:Kreinik Silk Mori, Gloriana Silk, Caron Collection Waterlilies, NPI Silk, DMC 12 for cord
Stitch Count: 46 x 18 for sides 1 & 3, 41 x 18 sides 2 & 4, 18 x 18 Base, 13 x 18 Roof (2 pieces)
Cross Stitch, Back Stitch, Straight stitch, French Knot, over 1 stitching
We had unexpected company as I was gluing the foam core to the roof pieces, so it was a bit more fiddly to work with while assembling... but all in all it didn't turn out to bad. In hindsight, I would have used a much lighter thread for the backstitch in the roof area, instead of the charted color. I also forgot how small it would be on 32ct instead of the 28ct.
Back view
I also beaded my partner this lovely purple colorway Soldier © Jill Oxton Cross Stitch and Beading Issue 67
Miyuki Delicas
Blue Nymo thread
Stitch Count:27 x 43
Square stitch
When I found out my partner liked the color purple, I dug though my stash and found I had some purple fabrics to make her some fabric trays.
And a matching ort catcher...I filled the trays with skeins of thread, a package of needles, a beaded scissor fob, a button turned into a needleminder, and a sweet treat from our area -maple syrup candy. I'm so happy that my partner liked her Christmas surprise.
She made me this beautiful ornament.
Here's a closer look...
And here is the back...
So lovely! She included some wonderful extras that will be put to good use...A holiday towel, some DMC threads, a notepad & purple pen...and a flat magnifier which will come in very handy for my HAED projects....Thanks so much A.D. It was a lovely exchange!
This little treasure was in my freebies binder that I got with an online order. Such a fun quick little stitch -

Fabric: 28 ct flax evenweave
Stitch Count:42 x 42, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch
New Stash: Just Nan Christmas Mouse in a House
Samantha is doing fine. She's happy that the colder weather has come.. and overjoyed on the mornings that we've woken up to a fresh dusting of snow.
Earlier this week, left home to take Mom shopping..but only made it about 15 miles before I had car problems- overheated. Turns out the water pump needed to be replaced. Luckily it was fixed the next day.
Yesterday (Friday) was a busy day... While DH was away at a Dr. appointment, I was making pies for our historical society to sell at the annual Christmas Bazaar. I baked three pies for the sale: a peppermint cheesecake brownie, fudge- topped pecan- cream cheese -brownie pie, and a pumpkin cheesecake pecan crust. Also made a traditional pumpkin pie for my parents house as they are expecting company this weekend.
Until next time,
Have a wonderful day!
Lisa M.