Do you ever plan your stitching around the season or upcoming holiday... or perhaps you choose a theme for the month? I thought about a new start for the new year, but I really wanted to finish a few of my HAED's this year.
So with that in mind, I picked up my 2013BB SAL QS Mystic Garden (It is a cropped version of Peacock Garden.) Design by Michele Sayetta Artwork by Ciro Marchetti
28ct Picture this Plus Valor
DMC & Kreinik#4
Stitch Count: 139 x 138, 1 over 1 full cross
Last time I shared a picture it was at 7840 stitches finished. Now at 8430 stitches completed. I had planned on getting more done - Life got in the way.
My smalls this month are a few more finishes for Valentines Day. Hopefully things will calm down a bit so I can "finish" these lovelies.
My first chart stitched was this freebie chart I received with an online order.
Bless Your Heart Free-Bee by La-D-Da
Fabric: 32ct Mystery from a Bookmark Grab bag that I bought - Very Stiff Stuff
Stitch Count:50 x 39, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch
Then I grabbed another freebie from my binder -
A Hug Will Do © 2000 Lizzie Kate Inc
Fabric: 28ct Flax
Stitch Count: 37 x 40, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch

Digging through my binder of freebies, I came across
Ewe Heart © 2005 Linda Stolz dba Erica Michaels
Fabric: 28ct Mushroom /Gold Luguna
Threads: DMC#12, GAST
Stitch Count: 48 x52, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch, back stitch, running stitch
Give Love Freebie©2013 The Little Stitcher
Fabric: 32ct off white evenweave
Threads: DMC
Stitch Count: 35x27, 2 over 2
Cross Stitch
I also worked on a Valentine exchange piece that I will share with you next month.
New Stash?
Silver Needle Erica Michaels Kit- I love her berries.. and was so happy to get this special kit.
and a few small pieces of fabric, Sue Hillis Christmas Ride, and a few threads...
January was a month that had a lot of bouncing temperatures. We had a lot of snow/ice mix storms and periods where the temperatures either stayed cold with the ice or warmed up for a quick thaw.
The chickadees were enjoying their seeds on their feeder despite the winter weather
Mid-month was Samantha's annual vet visit. Her liver value was a bit high - but she had been sick with a stomach bug since just before New Year's and was off her usual medication for that. Everything else was good. She had a few cuts on her paws from the ice...but easily remedied with some antibiotic ointment at night. She got her lyme and distemper shots and her rabies shot will be in 6 months. She had another flare up of the stomach bug the following week, but is better today, and she is slowly getting back on her normal food regimen.(Only a few more days before everything is back to normal.)
Just about the same time, DH's face swelled late one evening. A trip to the dentist the next day indicated that he needs a root canal. However his dentist doesn't do them and the specialist is booked until early March. So he was on antibiotics to get rid of the pain ..after 10 days they were used up ...he still had pain so he was put on a different antibiotic for another 10 days.
My Dad had an unplanned trip to the Doctor as he was having some difficulty walking - luckily it was only some slight bruising of his toes and an ingrown nail.
Last week Dad had a major health issue - he had another heart attack. His 2 year old stent gave out and had to be replaced. Luckily there was no damage this time. But they found another blockage and he will have to have more surgery in a few weeks to open up that artery. He came home yesterday - taking it easy - resting and watching some DVD's we gave him.
Last night I picked up a few of my beading projects that I had started last year but never got to finish. I can work on them in short bursts of time which makes it easier to check in on my Mom & Dad every few hours. I want to finish them off before I start the next one that I have picked out. Hopefully I'll have them finished in a few days.
I also signed up for an Easter exchange so I started to look through my stash to figure out what I wanted to make for my partner. I found so many patterns that I had forgotten about - not Easter - but some that are now in my stitch next pile. I did pick out my Easter pattern and hope to get it started next week so I can mail it off before my Dad's next surgery.
Until next time,
Have a wonderful day!
Lisa M.